4:8 though troubles come, though storms of lite create destruction, there is no need to despair ... you are held by Me. No matter how relentless and unending your storm, My love and power is greater. I am with you to strengthen your faith. It is by keeping your focus upon Me that you will refuse to give in to despair and hold on to the hope you are given through the promises of the Father. It is the Holy Spirit who will continually fill you with the Father's love and give you the strength to persevere. It is My unrelenting love that will help you to overcome all your fears. It is love that beckoned Me to the Cross and overcame death and destruction, giving you eternal life. There is no greater power. Fix your eyes on Me and remember My strength to carry the Cross and suffer upon it. I died so you can live. I sacrificed My life so that you could fully live and enjoy yours. When the walls of life come crashing in, when you are struggling to take just one more step of faith, remember that your miracle is only a prayer away ... Pray it. FAITH THOUGHTS What is your greatest worry? What is your greatest fear? What is it that God cannot overcome when He has promised that He already has? Your foundation of faith sets the stage for God to show up and show of. l you're crushed and perplexed, focus on His love and rely on His power and presence.
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